
PlayStation 4
Penarium (loading)
Penarium (loading)
Penarium (loading)
Penarium (loading)


PlayStation 4
kr 19.8kr 99
Discount -80% until May 23, 2024
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Price History

Current price:kr 19.8
Min. price:Free

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- 10 %
- 18 %
MotoGP 22 PS4 & PS5 (loading)
PS4 | PS5
- 40 %
Boulder Dash Deluxe (loading)
- 51 %
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- 80 %
Space Hulk Bundle (loading)

Release:September 22, 2015
Manufacturer:Team 17 Digital LTD
Subtitles:german | spanish | french | russian | english

Handlingen i Penarium finner sted i en skummel sirkusmanesje, der deltagerne er gladiatorer som må underholde en sadistisk folkemengde. Penarium er et vilt 2D-arena arkadespill hvor du inntar rollen som den sære antihelten Willy. Han må hoppe, dukke og unngå en rekke hindre for å overleve de dødelige fellene. Hvis du lykkes, blir Willy mesteren av Penarium. Hvis du mislykkes, dør han på den mest grusomme måten du kan tenke deg, mens folkemengden heier og koser seg.

Hjelp Willy gjennom dette ondskapsfulle marerittet. For én spiller eller for to spillere i lokal samarbeids- og konkurransemodus.

1-2 spillere
90 MB minimum
Støtte for avstandsspilling
HDTV-skjermoppløsning: 720p,1080i,1080p

Nedlasting av dette produktet er underlagt PlayStation Networks tjenestevilkår og brukervilkår for programvare, samt andre eventuelle retningslinjer som gjelder spesifikt for dette produktet. Ikke last ned dette produktet hvis du ikke godtar disse vilkårene. Se tjenestevilkårene for å få mer viktig informasjon.
Engangslisensavgift for nedlasting til flere PS4-systemer. Innlogging på PlayStation Network kreves ikke for å bruke denne på din primære PS4, men man må logge inn for å bruke den på andre PS4-systemer.
Se Helseadvarsler for viktig informasjon om helse før du bruker produktet.
Biblioteksprogrammer ©Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Eksklusivt lisensiert til Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Bruksvilkår for programvare gjelder, se for fullstendige bruksrettigheter.

Penarium developed by Self Made Miracle. Team17 Digital is a registered trademark of Team17 Digital Ltd. All other trademarks, copyrights and logos are property of their respective owners. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd.

You can subscribe to price tracking and we'll notify you when Penarium has a sale on PS Store (Norway). page.meta.description.subscription_demo Penarium: description, trailers and screenshots, price history, trophies, add-ons. Available on PlayStation 4.

The information was taken from the official PlayStation Store website. All rights reserved.
You have seen nothing yet
You have seen nothing yet
You have died at least 5 times in any single player mode.
Smash them!
Smash them!
You have smashed a minimum of 20 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Smash some more!
Smash some more!
You have smashed a minimum of 50 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Survivor of dragons
Survivor of dragons
You have beaten the Dragon's Nest challenge in campaign mode.
Keep on smashing
Keep on smashing
You have smashed a minimum of 100 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Completely smashed!
Completely smashed!
You have smashed a minimum of 150 barrels in a single arcade game in any arena.
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
Hidden trophy
Click to see details
You have collected a minimum of 6 cards.
You have collected a minimum of 14 cards.
This is getting awkward..
This is getting awkward..
You have died at least 50 times in any single player mode.
I can’t take this anymore..
I can’t take this anymore..
You have died at least 250 times in any single player mode.
Death wish
Death wish
You have died at least 1000 times in any single player mode.
Spare some change?
Spare some change?
Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 500 coins.
Middle classy
Middle classy
Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 1000 coins.
Coming up in the world
Coming up in the world
Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 2500 coins.
All your coin are belong to me!
All your coin are belong to me!
Your wallet total has reached a minimum of 5000 coins.
Cheer up kiddo!
Cheer up kiddo!
You have beaten the first balloon challenge in campaign mode.
You have beaten the first cauldrons challenge in the campaign mode.
It’s on like..
It’s on like..
You have beaten the boulder madness challenge in campaign mode.